Scotch Bonnet Pepper Greenhouse
Scotch Bonnet Pepper Greenhouse
The local Jamaican farmers have been focused on the indigenous scotch bonnet pepper for years, with special effort to expand the production and availability of seedlings of this valuable crop. The Jamaican scotch bonnet pepper is locally the most sought after pepper and thus the demand for its seedlings is very high and growing.
To facilitate this growing demand a series of seed banks will be set up in Jamaica with the first seed bank being built in Santa Cruz, St. Elizabeth. Proceeds from sales at the seed banks will go to the established Farmers Fund to help other farmers in distress.
This particular seed bank costs a total of $15,000 of which 66% has been funded. We need another $5000 to make it fully happen.
Any additional funds raised will be used to pay the workforce to transplant the seedlings from the greenhouse into the ground and improve irrigation to the field.