Our Mission

Our mission is to help Jamaica reduce its food imports, increase exports, create jobs, agri-entrepreneurship opportunities and help reduce crime and poverty by putting idle hands to idle lands. We achieve this by educating youth and distressed farmers in the best-practices of Organic Climate-Smart Agriculture. Transitioning them from schools into partnerships with local farmers and diaspora land owners. Creating agri-entrepreneurship by guaranteeing markets for them to sell to, while keeping them constructively occupied in their newfound craft. The long term effect will create micro-economies island-wide which will have macro effects for the Country.

Who are we?

We are a United States 501(c)(3) Charity Organization. We are Jamaicans and friends who live worldwide and love Jamaica. We have a heartfelt interest to see the island recover. Many remember when agriculture was the backbone of the Jamaican economy and our loved ones grew and sold food to pave the way for our futures. Since then, the influx of inexpensive imported foods has made it impossible for our local farmers to compete, thus farming to feed the country has technically come to a halt.

Organic food production offers distressed farmers and youth a new opportunity. Many Jamaicans dream of returning home and assisting their communities to rekindle the heritage of “growing what we eat”. Farm Up Jamaica serves as the catalyst to connect Jamaica to the World and effectively get the job done.

Our goal is to help people who are living on the Island, to achieve their basic human right to make a decent living. Because Jamaica is mostly rural in its land composition, agriculture is a very viable option. Our organization’s long-term impact can put a whole nation back to work while reducing crime and poverty. While Organic farming is quickly becoming a major interest worldwide, we believe that Jamaica is strategically positioned to supply the local and export markets with organic food.

Why is Agriculture the Solution?

We specifically farm foods off the high import list to reduce imports locally and supplement foods that are missing in the export markets. Jamaica imports around US$1 billion worth of food annually and only exports approximately US$250 million. The disparity is huge and affects the stabilization of the Jamaican Dollar tremendously. Some of this money could be spent with local farmers and agri-processors and reduce the amount of foreign currency we are buying to pay for food that we can grow ourselves. We are farming with a purpose and would like to have a substantial impact on the land we love.

Why do we want to help?

Rebuilding opportunities for Jamaicans has become a serious concern for us. Money remittances have become the crouches of many who can’t find jobs which generate sufficient income in order to live. Crime reaches its highest levels when people have nothing to do. Jamaicans who live abroad are sending approximately 2.3 Billion USD annually to their loved ones. There are only 2.7 million occupants living on the Island which implies that the majority of the population receives some form of remittance. The funds we send, in many cases are necessary, but these remittances are taking a toll on the Jamaican mindset by creating dependency on those who receive it. While those who are sending, in many cases, struggle to make ends meet in foreign countries. Farm Up Jamaica is a sustainable solution for creating opportunities locally and lifting the financial burdens on Jamaicans worldwide.


Who are we?

We are a United States 501(c)(3) Charity Organization. We are Jamaicans and friends who live worldwide and love Jamaica. We have a heartfelt interest to see the island recover. Many remember when agriculture was the backbone of the Jamaican economy and our loved ones grew and sold food to pave the way for our futures. Since then, the influx of inexpensive imported foods has made it impossible for our local farmers to compete, thus farming to feed the country has technically come to a halt.

Organic food production offers distressed farmers and youth a new opportunity. Many Jamaicans dream of returning home and assisting their communities to rekindle the heritage of “growing what we eat”. Farm Up Jamaica serves as the catalyst to connect Jamaica to the World and effectively get the job done.

Our goal is to help people who are living on the Island, to achieve their basic human right to make a decent living. Because Jamaica is mostly rural in its land composition, agriculture is a very viable option. Our organization’s long-term impact can put a whole nation back to work while reducing crime and poverty. While Organic farming is quickly becoming a major interest worldwide, we believe that Jamaica is strategically positioned to supply the local and export markets with organic food.

Why is Agriculture the Solution?

We specifically farm foods off the high import list to reduce imports locally and supplement foods that are missing in the export markets. Jamaica imports around US$1 billion worth of food annually and only exports approximately US$250 million. The disparity is huge and affects the stabilization of the Jamaican Dollar tremendously. Some of this money could be spent with local farmers and agri-processors and reduce the amount of foreign currency we are buying to pay for food that we can grow ourselves. We are farming with a purpose and would like to have a substantial impact on the land we love.

Why do we want to help?

Rebuilding opportunities for Jamaicans has become a serious concern for us. Money remittances have become the crouches of many who can’t find jobs which generate sufficient income in order to live. Crime reaches its highest levels when people have nothing to do. Jamaicans who live abroad are sending approximately 2.3 Billion USD annually to their loved ones. There are only 2.7 million occupants living on the Island which implies that the majority of the population receives some form of remittance. The funds we send, in many cases are necessary, but these remittances are taking a toll on the Jamaican mindset by creating dependency on those who receive it. While those who are sending, in many cases, struggle to make ends meet in foreign countries. Farm Up Jamaica is a sustainable solution for creating opportunities locally and lifting the financial burdens on Jamaicans worldwide.